BURKETT'S AUTOMOTIVE - (530) 872-3876 - 797 ELLIOT RD. PARADISE, CA 95969


  Hours: Mon-Fri  8am-5pm

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Burkett's automotive

We opened in May 1996, it was a big leap for us, not ever being in business. We had no idea what was in store for us. We opened the shop on the Skyway and made money the first week. Boy were we happy. Kathy and I had two little girls and a new born baby boy, besides that we didn't have much to loose.

I had been working in Chico full time and doing side jobs for people in the evening and on Saturday. It was just too much, besides I wanted to treat people my way and not the way I'd seen some shops do things in the past.

The shop was moved to its current location in November 2001, more space, more lifts and better service has all been something we are happy to offer.

I have found that Burkett's Automotive has some of the best customers anyone could ask for, coming to work every day is a pleasure, just seeing and interacting with some of the people of Paradise every day is just plain fun. Thank you Paradise and all my awesome customers for such a wonderful twelve years and hopefully many more.

 Joel Burkett and Family



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